Friday, February 27, 2009

Doubling Beta????

This will only be a quick update post as it's getting late, but I wanted to make sure I posted this today.

Was again at the clinic for unrelated business (I should probably mention that I do work from the clinic... may get into that a little later) so bribed the nurses to allow me to another beta...

BETA today (10dp3dt) was 2.5 - (anything under 5 is a negative)....


Before I went in this morning, I had every intention of this cycle being over and asking the nurses how the next protocol would be (long or short).
I did ask them (it will be short) while we were waiting - so at least I knew that after Monday, I would stop meds, get my period and start estrace on Day 2 (transfer 15 days later).

THEN, we get this BETA number of 2.5 - nurses (and doc) are now puzzled and are saying new BETA on Monday since the number doubled...
Anything doubling can be sign of a viable pregnancy........

Way to throw a wrench into it........ LOL

So, i am no further than I was, ... again!!!

this is what I get for being so Impatient....!

AND, I don't know if I should tell my IF's what's going on - they are quite blissfully ignorant thinking I am waiting for our bloodtest on Monday - they have no idea of the other ongoings... nor have I told them though...

any advise from blogland???

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Early Tests.....

Alright - so everyone knows that I am constantly POAS....

Since my IP's do not yet read this blog - I'm thinking I'm safe to reveal a secret here....

I was at the clinic today for unrelated business - so I snuck in for a early beta test...

BETA came back at less than one...... I'm 8dp3dt - nurses are telling me it's still early - if it was negative, it would be at ZERO and not have ANYTHING showing... so they are cautiously optimistic that this could go the way we want it to - but to remain VERY cautious because anything under 5 is a negative... BUT, i am Still SO early!!!

So - I am nowhere further than I was earlier today when i thought the clinic would be my answer....

I am back on friday and will hopefully swing in for another test - until then, I am swearing off HPT's... I can't handle to stress anymore!!!

Congrats goes out to you our latest Surro who tested positive!!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


My last EDIM delivered a healthy baby girl on Saturday!!

This is why i do what I do.... to hear the love and joy and amazement in their voices today was adorable - AND i might actually get to see her tomorrow!!!!!!

I am more excited about seeing my Former IP's than their little girl - as sad as that sounds!!! We are so alike (my IP's - me and D) so it's like seeing good friends again.

Congrats to P&S - i am SO happy for you and little K - Thank you for allowing me to have a peek inside your lives as you become parents....

On to other news - 7dp3dt - and NOTHING yet.... it's really starting to get to me.. I KNOW it shouldn't - it's still way to early to get a positive.. but it's still bugging me...

So - still trying to keep busy and not think about it - living vicariously through other surros that ARE getting ++++++

and that's about it for me!!

Good Luck to those following me - I think about you daily!!!
Thanks for the well-wishes from everyone - it REALLY means alot!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trying to get through it.... 5dp3dt

So - here we are... LOL

I have been bad and have been testing daily since the transfer... I needed to be able to compare the lines! :)

On yesterday's test, I received a 'shadow' of a line.... could have just been an evap line, now that I think of it... Nothing on any of the tests today - but I think I would seriously be worried if I tested positive this early.

I have been having the infamous cramping/pinching/pulling on both sides of my lovely uterus. Here's hoping that's the best sign ever!

The boys are back now from their vacation snowboarding - they are like 2 little boys on Christmas Eve (their words!) and are very nervous, and excited!! I really hope I'm able to give them great news this week!!!!

I have my fingers crossed for all the surros going through this 2ww - it's killing me!!!

I've been trying to keep myself busy - going shopping, or to the dogpark - or drowning myself in work.. but nothing seems to be helping!

C and I played outside this afternoon - but other than that, it's been a pretty low-key day.. My dad left for a week away with his friends - so I'm just wondering when I will lose a) my kid and b) my dogs for night! LOL

This is really just filler! LOL - again, trying to just through it all....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


LOL - so there you have it folks - i am currently 1 day past a 3 day transfer... hence the title of this post!

I've been trying to keep a low profile since the transfer yesterday - trying to give the little buggies a chance to snuggle in nicely..

here's a recap!

2 embryos were transferred yesterday, after they were thawed (P&M had gone through the donor cycle previously and had embryos frozen). There was 1-8celled and 1-7celled - this is how the embryos are graded, with 8 being the highest.. The doctor said they looked great and like they hadn't even been frozen!
The whole process took about 5 minutes (after letting my bladder out twice!!, man it was full!!!), after waiting for about 2 hours from when my appointment was supposed to be.

Came out and sent a picture of the embryos over to P&M via SMS - they loved it!! And instantly sent an email back saying they were going to call me... which they did! LOL

It was one of the most hilarious conversations I've had with them - I wish I could remember everything that we talked about, but it is now a blur because of how funny it was.

So... again.... nothing really else to post about - I might tell the guys about this site and see if they want to take part in it as well... might be nice to see everyone's point of view - :)

that's it! nothing exciting, I know.. now we wait until for the little pink test to show 2 lines!!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

~2 more sleeps......~

Hmmm... Where to start.....?

I thought I would make an attempt at blogging about my life and my surrogacy journey so that my IP's and their baby will be able to look back on this and know what transpired on my end...

To make a very long story short, I will start at the beginning, but make it brief..

As you might have read in my profile, I am currently employed as an Egg Donor Coordinator with a company here in Canada... this is only relevant because of how I met my IP's, P&M.

P&M are a same-sex, married gay couple.. they came to Canada in the Summer of '08 to meet both myself and my mom, Joanne and discuss our companies and how we could help them become parents.

We knew they were looking at other agencies, but that has never been a concern of ours - we always hope that our clients will choose us because of who we are...

So - low and behold, they chose to work with us for their egg donation and surrogacy needs... imagine my surprise when I felt that instant connection that alot of surrogates feel.... exactly like a light was going off in my head ... telling me this is the couple I needed to work with...

I should back-up and say that I have an adorable 3 year old son, C and an amazing husband, D. I never thought in a million years I would do a surrogacy so soon. I knew at some point I would be a surrogate for someone - just didn't know when... 'D' wasn't very open to the idea until we had finished creating our own family - which I typically agree with..

But P&M aren't any 'normal' couple... they were going to be my couple, and I knew that from the moment I met them - cheezy, isn't it?!?

After much discussion with my husband, and him doing his research - he agree that P&M should be the couple we help.

that kinda brings me to today...
So - HI!

I am currently 2 sleeps away from the amazing - TRANSFER DATE!!!
P&M are hopefully keeping their mind off everything, skiing (I mean, snowboarding!!) in Austria... I really hope they are relaxing over there since the next 2 weeks are going to be dreadful.

I have SO many different emotions inside me... scared for the unknown, excited at the thought of them being pregnant - becoming parents, amazement at the fact that medical science has come this far.... but mostly I feel joy - joy at the aspect that P&M have so much trust in me, in 'D', in my extended family to help them become the parents they can't wait to be....

With that - I will end this post... and post more on the day of transfer...
Tonight - 'C' is at his grandparents house for a sleepover... so I need to go and enjoy the quiet that is my house for one evening... :)