Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Early Tests.....

Alright - so everyone knows that I am constantly POAS....

Since my IP's do not yet read this blog - I'm thinking I'm safe to reveal a secret here....

I was at the clinic today for unrelated business - so I snuck in for a early beta test...

BETA came back at less than one...... I'm 8dp3dt - nurses are telling me it's still early - if it was negative, it would be at ZERO and not have ANYTHING showing... so they are cautiously optimistic that this could go the way we want it to - but to remain VERY cautious because anything under 5 is a negative... BUT, i am Still SO early!!!

So - I am nowhere further than I was earlier today when i thought the clinic would be my answer....

I am back on friday and will hopefully swing in for another test - until then, I am swearing off HPT's... I can't handle to stress anymore!!!

Congrats goes out to you our latest Surro who tested positive!!!!!


  1. lol...loved your just happened to be at the clinic so snuck in for beta. I'm praying for your BFP. Will be reading along with you.

  2. Hang in there!!!
    Remember I also used the early indicator test today not a regualar test. Have no idea what a beta would come back I do mine on Friday as well. Can't wait to hear your number!! And it does not stop once you see 2 lines all you think is great and now keep on growing please!!!
    Sending you high beta intentions for Friday!!

  3. way way way too early to know for sure, they still may not have implanted yet/may not be generating enough hormones yet to tell, so don't feel bad, having hopes for a high number for you on Friday! take care
