Friday, March 6, 2009

Onwards and Upwards

So sorry to leave you all hanging... I just haven't had the patience to update....

Beta on Wednesday came back at 44 - was starting to get cautiously optimistic since it doubled from Monday.

Beta today came in at 52 - so I am stopping Meds...

Onwards and Upwards - we had all had the suspicion in our minds that this was going to happen so it isn't that hard to take..

We are now hoping that the clinic will allow us to cycle quick.... ! :)

I will update more about life later.... right now, i am sick as a dog and the couch is calling me!!


  1. Don't let it get you down just keep moving forward!!!
    It will happen!

  2. So sorry to hear, but it sounds like you were all prepared and handling it well.

  3. Sorry to hear...will be praying your clinic lets you cycle again quickly...(maybe we'll end up preggers together) Hope you feel well soon. You're all in my prayers.

  4. Man, very sorry for all of you...
    For now, take good care of yourselves, and get that body ready for round two (hopefully THE cycle)!!!!!!
    We will be cheering you on as you go...

  5. sorry to hear about the beta, thinking of you and your IPs.

  6. thanks everyone!

    I'm doing alright as I knew it was coming...
    IF's are doing better...

    R - do you know when you are cycling??

  7. whoops! logged in as my hubby!
    hopefully you guys know what I'm talking about!! LOL
